FAQ: Do you offer image enhancing services?
Question: Can you make my item images look better?
Answer: MobilBid does not offer "image enhancing services". However, some basic photography rules will enable you to take better pictures:
- Use a real camera - smartphones are great, but a camera is better.
- Place the image against a white or neutral coloured background.
- Don't use a flash or direct sunlight - avoid shadows. A well lit area, out of bright sunlight, works best.
- Ideal dimensions are square, but it is not critical. A minimum dimension would be 1000 pixels (e.g. both width and height should be larger than 1000 pixels.) Larger images are okay, as MobilBid will shrink them to the correct sizes needed.
If you are looking for a third-party image enhancing service, try https://pixc.com/ - we have no affiliation with them, but know of others who have had success.