Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- FAQ: How do I see who has paid and not paid?
- FAQ: Uploading List of Items
- FAQ: How Does Auto-Bid Work?
- Description: Patron Registration
- FAQ: What are the required image/photo sizes?
- FAQ: What is a MULTI-SALE auction type?
- FAQ: Notifications Have Been Disabled For This Account
- FAQ: Fixing Patron Bidding Errors
- FAQ: What are the fees that MobilBid charges?
- FAQ: What is a LIVE auction item type?
- PRO TIP: Adding Sponsors to List of Auction Items
- FAQ: Does Stripe offer discounted fees to Non-Profits?
- FAQ: Uploading List of Patrons
- FAQ: I archived my auction but can no longer see it on the menu
- FAQ: Delete A Bid
- FAQ: Example of Leaderboard with Sponsors
- FAQ: Can I bulk delete all Patrons?
- FAQ: Cheat Sheet for Patrons
- FAQ: QR Codes for Guest Registration
- FAQ: What is better to distribute for guests to regsiter - the phone number or the website URL?