FAQ: Phone Number Has Already Been Taken

Question:  I'm trying to add a new patron, but I get an error message "Phone number has already been taken" - what do I do?

Answer:  The platform does not allow duplicate email or cell phone numbers within an organization or auction.  If you are getting that message, it means there is already a patron record with that phone number.  Look at the list of patrons, or search the list of patrons for the phone number in question.  Either delete it, which will allow you to add it again, or simply edit it as needed (e.g. update the email address and/or name.)

Often you will get a patron who registers the first time with a phone number and email, and then tries to register again with the same email but a different phone number, or the same phone number but a different email address - the system will block new registrations if EITHER the phone or email is already used.

Recommendation:  Have patrons register using the text-to phone number method - that is the preferred method and works better than using an email.  If they are already registered, should the re-text to the number, they will get back a new link to click on.  If they use an email they will have to re-enter the same email to get a link, but the default prompt is to enter a cell phone number, so some people get confused and end up with duplicate profiles.

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