FAQ: Setting the Time Zone for the Auction
Question: Can I set the time zone for the auction, so that the start/end times on the dashboard display in local time?
Answer: Yes, you set the time zone from your auction dashboard >> left-side menu >> Settings >> Auction Settings. The default time zone is Eastern Time.
Note #1: You must set your time zone BEFORE moving the auction into preview or running mode. Once moved from planning, the time zone is locked and cannot be changed (that is the only way to have consistent data logging.) If you need to change the time zone, the only way is to end the auction, make a duplicate, change the time zone in the duplicate and run it.
Note #2: The countdown timer displayed on each patron's screen is independent of time zone, so if you do get the time zone wrong, the countdown will always be correct.
Note #3: The system will automatically adjust for standard vs daylight savings, so choose the time zone by location, not by the GMT offset.