Instructions: How to set up donations


Should you wish to allow your patrons to make a donation (rather than have to bid or purchase an item) MobilBid offers that ability.  Some call it a "Fund-a-Need" option.  You can set up a special item for donations, with a title, description and picture.  By default it will allow a patron to specify any amount, but you can set up predetermined options they can pick from (e.g. $25, $50, $100, $250.  You can have as many options, of any value you want.)


From the Auction Dashboard >> left-side menu >> Settings >> Donations

NOTE: By default, for new accounts, we hide the donation feature, simply to reduce the number of menu items and make it easier to get started. If you can't find it on your menu, send us a note and we'll enable it - there is no extra charge.


Tick the box to enable the donations option, and fill in the fields as required.  The last field is where you specify the predetermined dollar values you want the system to present to patrons.  For example, if you wanted four options (perhaps $75, $150, $300, and $750) you use the special symbol "|" (vertical bar) to separate the values.  In this example, you would key in "75|150|300|750" (don't use the quotes or $-signs, just the numbers and separators.)


Patrons will see the option on their phones as the first item on the list (it is always the first item.)  The total donation amount for all patrons will be shown on the leaderboard, shown on the auction dashboard, and available in reports.  The donation amount will be included in patron invoices at auction closing.  

If patrons make multiple donations, at different times, each will be shown separately on their invoices.  

Administrators can submit donations to a patron's tab at any time during a running auction, as well as review and delete donations if required.

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