Instructions: Options for Testing your Auction
- We HIGHLY recommend you test your auction by running through the full process. This will position you to run your real auction knowing how everything works.
- We don’t charge for full tests (#4 below!) - But best to write TEST in the auction name, so we know it is a test :-)
- While you can have auctions in various stages (Planning >> Preview >> Running >> Postview >> Closed) you can only run one at a time. You can have multiple auctions in planning, postview and archived modes, but only one in preview and/or running (preview is "kind-of running".)
- The status of auctions can only move “forward” - you cannot move the status back. If you do a test, duplicate the original and archive it, then work with the new one.
You can test in four possible ways:
- As an administrator, with the auction in PLANNING mode: use the Preview Auction link on the dashboard's left-side menu. This will allow you (and only you) to review on your computer screen the items, colours, etc. This is limited to an administrator. If you share the URL you see on your browser's address bar with anyone else, they will get an error. Note: this method is intended to allow an administrator to view the content of the auction (items, colours, layout, etc.) While an administrator can place bids, they are not connected to a specific patron account and may give you notifications on your screen that don't necessarily make sense. If you want to test bids and out-bids, use #2 or #4 below.
- Inviting others to test, with the auction in PLANNING mode: you can edit any patron's record from the dashboard's left-side menu and flag them as a Tester (not "Trusted", that is different.) The dashboard will then show you a list of testers and you can send a group invite to them all (there is no provision to send individual invites to testers) - then they can experience the auction as it would appear when it is running. All bids done by testers are deleted when the auction status is set to preview or running. Anyone can be a tester. Note: Because all bids are zapped when the auction moves into preview mode, no testers will get any "end-of-auction" notifications, so while you can test the bidding, you can't test credit card payments or see invoices and payment reports using this method. See two screenshots below. NOTE: Testers are automatically removed (unchecked) to "regular" patrons during the transition from planning to preview or running. DO NOT add them back as testers once the auction is running - they won't be able to bid.
- Opening the auction in PREVIEW mode: You can share the phone number and/or URL so anyone you share with can register and look at all the items. Be careful that you don't enable the "Send notifications on Preview" option - all patrons in your database will get an invite.
- A full test - Because you can fully duplicate an auction, you can set a test schedule and have the configured auction move through all the levels of status, and you and others can test it as a live auction, including all messaging, invoicing and payment processing. Once finished, use the "duplicate" function to make a full copy, which will be named the same as the original but will be set in planning mode. Archive or delete the original and work with the duplicate. There is no charge for tests!
NOTE #1: ***IMPORTANT*** - If this is the second or more time you've run this auction, the patrons from prior years are in the database. If you do not want them to participate in a full test, ensure you UNCHECK the "send preview notifications" and "send running notifications" from within the Auction Settings. Once you complete the full test, duplicate the auction and then check the preview and running notification options in the new auction.
NOTE #2: Any patron that participates in a full test will automatically be part of the real/live auction, but the notifications they receive will depend on what options you enable.