How do I change my auction settings?

To change your auction settings, do the following…

  1. From your Organizations screen, find the Organization with the auction you want to edit.
  2. Click Select Organization.
  3. Then from the Auctions page, find the Auction you want to edit.
  4. Click the Options button on the far right. 
  5. On the pop-up screen, click the Admin Dashboard link. 

  6. This will take you to the Auction Dashboard page.

  7. Click on Settings on the left menu to access your auction's settings.

Pro-Tip: Sometimes it makes sense to extend the bidding time to accommodate every last bid and this feature make it easy. 

Pro-Tip – When you have changed your settings, put the auction in “Preview” mode to double-check your changes.

Updated: October 11, 2018

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