Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- FAQ: Does the assigned auction Phone Number ever change?
- FAQ: What is "Client supplied fees percentage"?
- FAQ: Credit Card Security
- FAQ: Missing $-dollar Signs
- FAQ: Why is a patron bid being blocked?
- FAQ: What's the difference between Broadcasts and Messages?
- FAQ: How to Delete an Auction
- FAQ: Download a list of all patrons
- Online vs In-Person Auctions
- FAQ: Uploading Photos - Limits
- FAQ: What is an "Organization"?
- FAQ: Non-Winning Bidder Message Text
- FAQ: How to record a cash or cheque payment
- FAQ: Suggested Starting Bids and Minimum Increments
- FAQ: Assigning an SMS Number and keyword to an Auction
- FAQ: Can MobilBid be Used to Bid on a Computer?
- FAQ: Can I bold or italic text in outgoing messages?
- Patron Problem Solver
- FAQ: Why should I enable "Send Preview Notifications"?
- FAQ: Does the auction URL stay the same?